Monday, August 20, 2007

To my father

Dear my father,
                     I am now fully grace from you. Thank you very much. In that day, we need to more spiritual power. Please forgive me. I am now start my own business, to scarified to you. Show me the way & guidance. Thank for you kindness & grace

Have a nice day(Whoami)
Nay Linn Aung

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

How we can survive ?

Oh my father, show me the way for my daily survival. I really want to know, how can be. Show me the way, please.
I already take in my mind all the days I passed. These words are " This is the way, the lord has made. We will enjoy and be glad in it"
That is true.

Have a nice day
Nay Linn Aung